Apr 29, 2007

The most photographed street in Boston!

A famous sight to see in Beacon Hill is this narrow cobblestone lane called Acorn street which claims to be the most photographed street in Boston and some say in America! Before this neighborhood was developed, there was a beacon stood at the top of the hill that warned Bostonians of the arrival of the enemy. This is how Beacon Hill got its names. This is also the home of some notable Americans and among them is a famous senator. Guess who?

Un endroit touristique à voir à Beacon Hill est cette ruelle étroite pavée qui porte le nom Acorn Street et revendique être la rue la plus photographiée de Boston et certains disent même d’Amérique. Avant que ce quartier ne soit développé, il y avait au sommet de la colline un phare qui prévenait les Bostoniens de l’arrivée de l’ennemi. C’est de là que Beacon Hill tire son nom. C’est aussi dans ce quartier que résident quelques notables américains, et parmi eux un célèbre sénateur. Devinez qui ?


Kala said...

Nice shot - I did not know that otherwise Id visit this street when i was there - but my guess is Ted kennedy?

Olivier said...

c'est bete que le phare ne soit plus là. Elle est tres belle cette petite ruelle. Je dirais aussi Kennedy ?
la visite continue, j'attends la suite la semaine prochaine.

it is stupid which the headlight is not there any more. It is very beautiful this small lane. I would say also Kennedy? the visit continues, I await the continuation the next week.

Kate said...

Who are the notables?

Alex said...

Hello Kala, Olivier and Kate,
I give you a hint. The famous senator is still living in Beacon Hill. His name is spelt with 5 letters...

Randy said...

Great shot. I love the cobblestone.

alice said...

John Kerry?

Alex said...

En effet Alice, il s'agit bien de John Kerry! Bravo!

Justin said...

Very nice pictures I will come back to see more.

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

I am still trying to put the picture of missing UK little girl Madeleine's face into the minds of many, so, if your readers would pop over to Cheltenham to have a look i'd be grateful. You never know she could be in your road or mine by now. We can all look! Thanks.

Jack McCoy said...

Très jolie ruelle, j'espère la visiter lors de mon séjour à Boston au mois de septembre, j'habiterai à Malden au nord de Boston, je ne connais pas cette région seulement un peu Cornwall dans le CT et New York.

Est il facile de prendre les transports pour aller de Malden à Boston? Merci.

Very attractive alley, I hope to visit her during my stay in Boston in September, I shall live in Malden in the North of Boston, I do not know this region only a little Cornwall in the CT and New York.

Is it easy to take transport to go from Malden to Boston? Thank.

Cergie said...

M'a l'air sévère cette portion pavée. Tout de guingois.
Tu crois que l'enfer du nord, le "Paris Roubaix" passera par là un jour ?
J'adore les pavés. J'en fais même collection : Prague, Berlin est et ouest, etc...