Feb 17, 2008

"RSVP: Jim Lambie"

The Museum Of Fine Art (MFA) is currently exhibiting contemporary artwork by Scottish artist Jim Lambie, nominated in 2005 for the Turner Prize. His kitsch sculptures are made of everyday objects, such as bright painted broken chairs hung on a black and white geometrical abstract pattern wall.
In the same vein as Victor Vasarely, the leader of the Op Art movement, Lambie uses a combination of repetitive sequences of black and white (or vibrant rainbow colors) layered stripes, creating a strong optical illusion and thus a kinetic effect. "RSVP: Jim Lambie" is the name of this exhibit.
Why, in your view, Lambie called it that way ?
Here are some of his work: http://www.tate.org.uk/britain/turnerprize/2005/jimlambie.htm http://www.pingmag.jp/2006/04/12/jim-lambie-art-to-feel/

Le musée Fine Art (MFA) expose actuellement les œuvres d'art contemporain de l'artiste écossais Jim Lambie, nominé au Turner Prize, en 2005. Ses sculptures kitsch sont faites d'objets de tous les jours, ici des chaises cassées peintes de couleurs vives et accrochées à un mur noir et blanc au motif géométrique abstrait.
S'inscrivant dans la lignée de Victor Vasarely (chef de file du mouvement Op Art), Lambie utilise une combinaison de séquences répétitives avec des bandes noires et blanches (ou des couleurs vibrantes d'arc-en-ciel) superposées, créant une forte illusion d'optique et ainsi un effet cinétique.
"RSVP: Jim Lambie" est le nom de cette exposition. Pourquoi à votre avis Lambie l'a-t-elle ainsi appelée?

Voici quelques unes de ses réalisations:



Test on French Verbs: Present Tense of Regular -er verbs:

Let's go! Allons-y!

Fill in the following blanks with the correct verb form of the Present Indicative:
Then to see the correct answer, double click in the the next box.
1. (donner/ to give). Elle une lettre à Sophie (she gives Sophie a letter ).
2. (regarder/ to watch, to look at). Ils la télévision. (They watch television).
3. (inviter/to invite). J' mes amis (I invite my friends).
4. (étudier/ to study). Vous en France. (You study in France).
5. (jouer/ to play). Il du piano. (He plays piano).
6. (terminer/to complete, to finish). Nous notre travail. (we complete our homework).
7. (travailler/ to work). Tu vite. (You [sing] work fast).
8. (parler/ to talk, to speak). Elles ne jamais. (They never talk).
9. (oublier/ to forget). Il souvent ses clés. (He often forget his keys).
10. (traverser/ to cross). Tu la rue. (You [sing] cross).
11. (habiter/to live). J' à Boston. (I live in Boston).
12. (poser/ to ask). Nous une question (we ask a question).
13.(demander/ to ask). Vous un renseignement. (You [plur] ask for information).
14.(expliquer/ to explain). Elle la leçon (She explains the lesson).
15. (enseigner/ to teach). j' le français. (I teach French).

If you don't remember, have a look at our previous post (Ice fishing Contest! Concours de pêche sur glace!).



Une œuvre d’art: Art work


Olivier said...

je connaissais le 'pop art' mais pas le 'op art'. une belle utilisation des objets ordinaires, et toujours dans ce genre de cas, l'imagination au pouvoir. tu t'en sors tres bien, car cela n'a pas l'air tres facile a prendre en photo. Je vais aller me ballader sur tes liens

The Lone Beader® said...

Interesting combination for youir blog. I love the French lessons, though. I took 2 years of it in high school. When I finally went to Paris last year, I felt that I should have known more of it...

Right now, I'm trying to learn Czech which is much more difficult. :0

Anonymous said...

Interesting exhibition I'm sure, but i am not a big fan of the "op art" style. Somehow, it makes me feel dizzy.

Cergie said...

C'est sans doute très beau dans un musée mais je n'imagine personne avoir ces oeuvres chez soi. Je crois que cela me flanquerait des cauchemars et mal à la tête
Mon plus jeune fils avait un papier moucheté dans sa chambre et il en était traumatisé, il voyait voler des mouches et nous avons dû en changer
Il y a des gens qui ne supportent pas le beige ou le jaune clair en back ground de blog. Je connais deux personnes dans ce cas
Vraiment, des rayures de zèbre, c'est fait pour semer le trouble et pas seulement chez les lions de la savane africaine


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

I swear I left a comment here a couple of days ago! I really don't understand why comments disappear. Do I forget to click "publish" every now and then? Then maybe Blogger should enable the "are you sure you want to close this window" thingy for people like yours truly. Sigh.

I wish I'd remember what I wrote that day, as commenting is a very spontaneous thing for me. Right now all I can say is that I like the idea and the way it was executed.

Lori said...

His work has a mesmerizing effect with the black and white shapes. I'll definitely have to check it out the next time I'm in Boston. I love visiting the MFA! I did much better on the French test this week!

Marie-Noyale said...

I hope you enjoyed your long We in NYCity..
Did you find it changed? your last visit was some time ago if I remember.
I didn't know,this artist and it's funny how my eye has changed towards Ar.I had a very classical taste..and the more I see,the more I incline towards modern or very Modern Art..now.
Well,I enjoy your pictures of this artist.
Bon Week end.

Unknown said...

>Merci Olivier. En fait, j’aurais aimé prendre tout le mur en photo, la perspective aurait été plus intéressante, mais je n’avais pas de vue assez dégagée ! Trop de visiteurs.

>The Lone Beader, I am glad you love my French lessons. Then, come back often:-)

>Cergie,Je partage ton avis. Cet art est très chouette dans un musée, et à l’écart afin de mieux apprécier les effets visuels. Je me souviens des papiers peints chargés et chamarrés (dans les tons orange) des années 70 ! C’était loin d’être reposant.

> LOL Fenix. Don't worry. It happened to me a couple of times as well :-)

> Hi Lori, I totally agree it creates some kind of mesmerizing dazzling effect. Some associates this style with "Art Psychedelic"

> Bonjour Marie-Royale,
Yes thank you, I did enjoy my trip to NYC. Since my last visit (32 years ago!) I found the city much quieter (because of the long week-end) cleaner and safer.
I feel the same way about modern Art, and more opened than I used to be, even though I am still more attracted by the traditional classical style.

BeanTownBoy said...

Oh, Dorothee, I'm so bad, I got just under 50% wrong! Actually, if this were an election, I'd have won, because I got just over 50% right! I know, I'm silly. I'm going to keep trying.

The artwork is colorful, and I like that, but, like Vic, it made me dizzy, lol.

Dorothée said...

You are not silly Beantown, French is hard. Keep trying! Also, you know in France when you get 50% answers right, you can still pass and go up into the next class :-)

BeanTownBoy said...

J'aime cela !

(Translation courtesy of Babel Fish, lol.)

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Yay just one wrong! Do i get a star?

Dorothée said...

Bravo Lynn! You deserve 2 stars and an A+.
Another test is on its way. Check it out :-)