Feb 19, 2006

Wait a minute, man!

This statue, located in Lexington near Boston, represents Captain Parker, who fought in the revolutionary war back in the late 1700's. He was known as the leader of the Minutemen. These soldiers were regular farmers and colonists, always at-the-ready and trained to assemble and fight on just a minute's notice, hence the term minutemen. The first American killed in the first battle of the American War for Independence was Captain John Parker.

Cette statue, située à Lexington, près de Boston, représente le capitaine Parker qui a combattu pendant la guerre révolutionnaire vers la fin des années 1700. Le capitaine Parker était connu comme étant le chef des Minutemen. Ces soldats étaient des fermiers et des pionniers entrainés, toujours prêts à se rassembler et à tirer en une minute, d'où leur nom. Parker fut le premier américain tué lors de la première bataille de la guerre d'indépendance.


Michael Salone said...

Hey "wait a minute", I'm sure I've seen this guy before somewhere! A really nice photo with a unique perspective. And the sky couldn't be any bluer!

Lisi said...

Hi, beautiful blue sky you've got in Boston. Greetings from Hong Kong and hope you can add hongkongdailyphoto.blogspot.com to your link.

Eric said...

So, it's Sunday today, we're waiting for the next photo here!!!

Eh, c'est dimanche aujourd'hui on attend la nouvelle photo !

Alex said...

Michael> LOL. The sky is bluer than in Paris last week, huh? :~)

Lisi> Thanks for your kind words, I like your blog too! I added your link.

Eric> My Sunday starts later than yours! :~) I just posted my weekly photo.


Anonymous said...

Alex, how do you manage to come up with such catchy titles for all your photos?

Alex said...

Jose> Thanks a lot.I'm glad you like them.


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