Jun 18, 2006

Sea Cow

So the cow parade has “moooved” to Boston! 117 of life-sized, painted cows are displayed around the city. This one is called “Coral” and has been designed by Dawn Evans Scultreto. It is located on Long Wharf in Boston harbor. Excursion boats leave the harbor for whale watches and cruises.

La parade des vaches est maintenant à Boston! 117 vaches grandeur nature sont présentées dans la ville. Celle-ci peinte par l’artiste Dawn Evans Scultreto a été surnommée “Coral”. Elle est située à Long Wharf dans le port de Boston. Les bateaux d’excursion partent de là pour aller voir les baleines, ou pour des croisières dans les environs.


Michael Salone said...

I can't wait to see the others. I'm so glad you picked the "sea cow" to post as being from Florida this bizarre prehistoric creature (the Manatee) is so fascinating. Of course, none are painted like this that I know of!

Ryan said...

Enjoy the cows! I saw them first in Chicago in 1999 and had no idea why there were cows all over the city. Maybe they will put them all along the freedom trail and people can follow the cows instead of the sometimes hard to find signs.

Sam said...

How funny - from Paris to Boston? Where to next???

Alex said...

>Yes Michael, more cows are coming…HeHe, good point! The prehistoric manatee “sea cow” and the cow taste the same! ;-)

>Orange County, Yes indeed it would have been a great idea but instead, the cows are displayed all around the city and are actually not easy to find.

>Sam, Good question. The next cow parade will take place in Belo Horizonte, Brasil, on August 22nd.

Bob said...

Nice post. I must be the only person who's never seen any.

Alex said...

>Hi Bob, the cow parade traveled to Barcelona last year (June to August 2005)... Maybe you'll get a chance to see it in other cities. Here is the link: http://www.cowparade.com

Annie said...

Reading your post brought to mind my own whale watching trip in Boston harbor a few years ago. What a wonderfully fresh, brisk, exciting, choppy ride it was. Just when I thought I'd only remember the cold sea spray there rose the whales, spouting and swimming alongside the ship.

Thanks for your post today.

Liz said...

Uh..hello cow parade again! :-)

I've seen the cows 3 times around the world during last 12 months:-)

Steve Cuddihy said...

what a fun idea. we had some of the Peanuts Gang characters displayed around the Twin Cites in the same manner, painted by different artists.

Carol said...

Oooh the Cow Parade! I've visited a lot of them in Edinburgh - bizarre but strangely beautiful...

Let me introduce you to my new DP blog from Glasgow, Scotland! You can find it at http://glasgowdailyphoto.blogspot.com/

Keep up the good work!

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