Mar 11, 2007

A caring Halloween collector

Apparently the owner of this car is a big fan of Halloween! Many little plastic characters have been glued at different places on the car. Some are even displayed inside the car! But aside from his great interest in little Halloween figurines, more importantly is the sticker on his bumper relating to support for autism. It’s a great way to inform people about this all year around walk to help raising money for children affected by autism.

Il semble que le propriétaire de cette voiture soit un grand fan d’Halloween! Un grand nombre de petits personnages en plastique ont été collés à différents endroits sur la voiture. On peut même en voir à l’intérieur! Mais, à part son grand intérêt pour ces petites figurines, plus important encore est l’autocollant sur le pare-chocs à propos du soutien à l’autisme. C’est un excellent moyen d’informer les gens de cette marche annuelle dans le but d’aider à collecter des fonds pour les enfants atteints d’autisme.


Kate said...

It certainly calls attention to the car! Was this taken recently or around Halloween. If it's year-round it will indeed get passersby to look again.

Olivier said...

Voila une voiture culte, un vrai musée ambulant en hommage à Halloween. Belle photo et bravo bien vu.

Veiled a car worship, a true travelling museum in homage to Halloween. Beautiful photograph and cheer well considering

alice said...

La question qui vient tout de suite à l'esprit d'un(e) Français(e): personne ne lui pique jamais tout ça?

Nathalie H.D. said...

Only in America !!!

Alex said...

>Kate, as a matter of fact, this car has been around for a while and it certainly calls attention. However, there is another decorated car with all kinds of little characters glued on it in town. I will try to take a picture from it.

>Tres bonne remarque Alice. En effet, personne ici ne songerait à les piquer. Ce n'est pas dans l'esprit americain. Il est fréquent qu’on se fasse livrer toutes sortes de paquets, petits et gros (même un ordinateur) qui sont déposés devant la porte et y restent jusqu’à l’arrivée de son propriétaire sans qu’ils ne soient volés !!!!

En effet, Nathalie, « only in America ! » :-)

Hans said...

That a problem in the carwash.

Alex said...

>LOL watchthis :-) And same problem after a snow storm I guess!!!

Liddlelulu said...


That's soo awesome you put in a plug for Autism. I work in a center (the Marcus Institute) where we deal with kids who have major behavioral and language problems. And, oddly enough, the majority of the children who I deal with are diagnosed with Autism. WOW. My workplace is incredibly involved, and there's about 10 teams from just our small work group.

Here's the link to the autism Speaks website:

Check it out, Join, and get active!

Liddlelulu said...

Since you've already plugged Autism, and I've pretty much done the same, I thought it wouldn't be too harmful if I just added my Autism Speaks website for those who would like to donate for the cause. You can just go online and charge to your credit card the amount you'd like to donate.


Michael Salone said...

Wow, I've been away and have all of your photos to catch up on. This one surely takes the prize for "attention grabbing". I think it's also great that the autism cause has been so well noted. Bravo!

Alex said...

> Great idea Lulua, to add this link to your blog. Hope many will be active too.
> Thanks a lot Michael. This car is hard to miss and I like the fact that the autism sticker grabs the attention too.