Feb 18, 2007

Think before you throw!

No wonder why it’s quite clean along the highways in some areas? This road sign is maybe the answer… Law Enforcement is getting tough on litter and the amount of the fine varies from an area to another and from state to state. For instance, fine could reach up to $2,000 for littering in Nevada, $250 in California, where it's only $70 in Iowa.

Pas étonnant que ce soit si propre le long des autoroutes dans certains endroits! Ce panneau en est peut-être la raison. Les règlements se sont renforcés concernant les ordures et le montant de la contravention varie d’une région à l’autre et d’un état à l’autre. Par exemple, elle peut atteindre $2000 dans le Nevada, $250 en Californie, alors qu’elle n’est que de $70 dans l'Iowa.


Olivier said...

Je pense que mettre une amende tres forte pour la propreté c'est une bonne idee. la propreté c'est le respect des uns envers les autres.

I think that to put a very strong fine for cleanliness it is a good idea. cleanliness it is the respect of the ones towards the others.

Kate said...

Important message! I wish Mexico would have these signs, too!

Michael Salone said...

I wonder if the price per State is relative to the liklihood that one will will litter in that State. I have no idea what it is in Paris.

Mandy said...

shame about the sign spoiling the view though

Kala said...

glad to see people are keeping those roads clean - Boston is such a beautiful place - its no wonder - they got great citizens =)