May 21, 2006

Sand bags to the rescue

Last week, tropical rains struck the Boston area for a few days and submerged several towns. In Massachusetts, 2,500 residents had to be evacuated from their homes. About 270 National Guards were called out to help to control the flooding. In my neighborhood they installed sandbags to prevent water from the nearby lake to submerge the residence. This storm has been reported as the worst flooding since the 1930’s.

La semaine dernière, des pluies tropicales se sont abattues sur la région de Boston pendant plusieurs jours et ont submergé un certain nombre de villes. Dans le Massachusetts, 2.500 résidents ont été évacués. Environ 270 Gardes Nationaux ont été appelés pour contrôler les inondations. Dans mon quartier, des sacs de sable furent installés pour empêcher l’eau du lac avoisinant d’inonder la résidence. Cette tempête figure parmi l’une des plus importantes depuis les années 1930.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Did those sand bags work? Hope you were safe.

Michael Salone said...

Wow Alex, I can't believe all the posts I've missed. I hope you'll understand.

I also didn't hear about this storm and was surprised by this photo. Did it effect you and your family at all? Like lou asked, did the sand bags work?

Alex said...

Yes, Lou and Michael, it worked well. In fact, we were a bit dubious about the result of these bags, but luckily the water level wasn't too high, so we were safe...


Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info
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Unknown said...

Great idea of placing sandbags alongside of river..I hope it worked and helped in preventing flood..