May 29, 2006

A cool lady

A young lady is refreshing under the fountain of the Mother Church of the Christian Science. The church was established by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 and became an international organization in 1892, widely known for its publications based on healing through prayer. However, it has no connection neither with science nor scientology. The Romanesque building church in the background was built in 1894. It was extended in 1906, and a large library was added in 1932. The plaza, including the large 28 floors administration building, the colonnade, the reflecting pool and the fountain were completed in 1970.

Une jeune femme se rafraîchit sous la fontaine de la “Mother Church of the Christian Science”. Ce courant religieux fut établit par Mary Baker Eddy en 1879 et devint une organisation internationale en 1892. Connue pour ses publications fondées sur la guérison par la prière, cette église n’a, cependant, aucun fondement scientifique, ni aucune filiation avec les scientologistes. L’église de style roman à l’arrière plan, fut construite en 1894 et agrandie en 1906. Une grande bibliothèque fut ajoutée in 1932, puis un immeuble de 28 étages, une colonnade, un bassin et une fontaine furent achevés en 1970.


Pierre said...

Funny pic... A nice plice to get some freshness this summer!

Annie said...

Pourquoi écrivez-vous dans le Français et l'anglais ? Svp continuez, parce que j'ai plaisir à lire tous les deux.

Why do you write in both French and English? Please do continue, for I enjoy reading both.(I should add that I enjoy attempting to read French and when there is an English translation already there that makes for my convenience).

Alex said...

>Pierre, Thanks for all your nice comments and encouragements. I greatly appreciated.

Alex said...

>Bonjour Annie, My parents are French and I moved to Boston when I was one year old. This is why I am doing my blog in both English and French. I am glad you enjoy it.

Michael Salone said...

Gee Alex, from flooding to smart you are! Also, I can't believe all of the facts you found out! You'll have to be a Boston tour guide one summer (between school)!

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Nuno said...

Nice refreshing shield for summer, have to find something like that.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

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